
glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

22 March 2007

I don't get it

Hubby and I sat down last night and ended up watching the news... which consisted of various reports [until we shut it off] and seemed to be grouped into themes:
- Educators who abuse their position for sex. [Two of them]
- A family trying to create a media frenzy so they can re-enter Canada.
- A fire chief who passed away from colon cancer [which turned into a report about the long term hazards of being a fire fighter].
- Police who beat people. [Along with two videos]
And then we turned it off.

It sickened me.

Why are these the things that start the news at night? I understand the need to make people aware of what's going on with the world and what's wrong with the world... but seriously... pick some better topics. There are other things going on in the world that aren't going to depress me about living in this world before I head off to bed at night.

As for the family attempting to re-enter Canada. Their refuge status expired after 10 years so they headed to the States. They then got fake passports to try to enter Canada again and for some reason they're appalled that they would get put into an immigration detainee center. Let's think about this... false representation of who they are and they're confused about why? It doesn't stop there though. The 9 year old son [who was raised in Canada with a Canadian education] writes a poorly written letter in marker to the Prime Minister. And now guess what... Their lawyer says by creating a media frenzy, they'll be allowed back in. Man oh man... that's how I want to tell my grandchild how I got into the country of Canada.
Now I do understand that their life might have been hard or different in Iran [that's where they were originally from]. But still. Aren't there better ways to go around this than appealing to the media and the lowest factor of having your child write to the Prime Minister?

Oh. And about the police videos. I'm going to point out that I'm watching the news in Canada. So why are they showing two police beating videos from the States? There was no point made about it. Just "here's a video of a cop beating a woman on Chicago" and "here's a video of a cop pushing a kid off a skateboard in South Carolina". Think there might be back story that they conveniently forgot? The police enforce everything in our world and they risk their lives everyday doing it. But we're so quick to point the finger as soon as someone get a video or a photo of them doing something wrong... even if we forgot to listen to the police's story and why they did what they did. Ugh. People.

Here's to the news...

20 March 2007


i should be working on a paper. really. i should.
but i don't want to. it gives me a headache.
so break time it is....

annnnnddd... i'll show you some of my crocheting!

this is a star baby blanket for my cousin's baby girl.
it should be finished in a week or so. and then it will be shipped off to NC.

and this is a scarf that i finished last week.
g-seth teased me because i decided that bringing it to school to finish was a good idea.
but i'm okay with my domesticity. :c)

and here's a knit item:

i'm working on a sweater.
its kind of at a stand still being that i lost one of the needles in our move.

and that is was keeps me amused when i don't have papers or readings to do.

my parents' dog

this is mcgee... my parents' wonderful dog.

he didn't want us to leave this weekend so he jumped in hubby's car into the driver's seat while we were packing the car.

new leaf

here i go.
let's see if i can begin this again as if i never left off.

quick summary of updates:
- got married.
- went on a honeymoon.
- started school again.
- got a new camera. [see my other blog for what i do with that]
- got a new mountain bike.
- got a flat tire.
- hung out with some amazing friends.
- moved to a new apartment with hubby.
- crocheted.
- wrote some essays.
- read some books.

wow. lovin' life. :c)

13 July 2006


Random thoughts running through my head:

- I was blog hopping just now. Ran across one that said that they thought that Canada has a more secular society than America does. Not quite sure about that. I'll have to ponder it.

- Josh surprised me for my birthday last weekend. The fam, Josh and I went to a water park nearby and played. It was hilarious. Watching your 47 year old father jump of a cliff jump and swing on a Tarzan swing into water is quite amusing. We had a great time. We headed home, showered and such and took off. Stopped by a graduation party. Then we headed out to dinner with some friends while my fam went elsewhere. Good times. Then on Sunday... Italy decided to win the World Cup for me! What a great birthday present. :c) It was a great birthday weekend. Relaxing. I needed it. Josh gave me $150 to spend at a spa. Let me tell you how excited I am about that. :c) Tuesday before the wedding will be very relaxing day!

- Tomorrow is my last day of work. I can't wait!!

- Tomorrow is also a week until the wedding. I can't believe it came up so quickly! Where did this summer go?? I cannot wait for the wedding day to be here. Plus that means I can stop stressing about the last minute details. Ugh. I should have taken this week off of work just to plan everything.

- Tomorrow night is my last night in Jersey as a single girl. Not sure what to make of that. *shrug* We'll see what I get up to. Probably not much besides just hanging out with the family because I leave on Saturday and won't see them until Tuesday.


Back to work!

Less than a day and a half of this stupid job left!

06 July 2006


Did I mention that the New Jersey government has been shut down since this weekend?

That's right.

Shut down.

No lotto, no DMV, no state parks, no state beaches.
Anything that is driven purely by the state government is closed.

Isn't that wonderful?


2 weeks and 1 day until I'm married!!!!

2 weeks from now, we'll be starting the rehearsal.

2 weeks and 2 days from now, we'll be on the beginning of our honeymoon!


loooong weekend

i planned on doing a few small posts to encompass this weekend. but i'm lazy. so now there's going to be one very long post for one very long weekend.

friday: i cut out of work a noon. wahoo! half days are awesome. i had planned on heading to canada with my brother, but things changed and we stayed here for friday. my brother [j], my sister [g] and i went out to lunch at panera. [mmmmmm...] then we headed to a state park and went for a hike. highlights from the hike: g's sandal falling off in the river causing j to have to chase it down in his sneakers... me finding a fish which led to the discovery of a crayfish and led to j screaming like a little girl when he had the thing in his hand and it went crazy... j climbing down the waterfall... g stepping in mud. it was good times. we then headed home and got ready to go see fireworks on the lake on our boat with our parents and our friends. of course when we get to the boat it decides to POUR! and i mean pour. we tried to wait it out and we waited so long that we just figured that they were cancelled, so we headed home. [yeah, it ends up that they weren't cancelled. stupid fireworks.] hung out around my house. went in the hot tub. watched a movie. in bed by 11 to get ready for the next day...

saturday: woke up at 4:30 am. yeah. am. gross. but j and i were on the road at 5 am headed to canada. sped most of the way. didn't hit any traffic. laughed at the border at everyone stuck in traffic to go the other way. got to the apartment, saw josh, showered. went outside to play soccer, but when you're playing soccer with two guys who love it and you suck at playing... its not fun. so i pooped out and laid on a blanket in the sun. :c) we got bored with that so we went for a drive, visited the campus to show my brother the new construction and the drove around aimlessly. found a pond thingy and found a path by it so we went for a walk in the woods. we found some wild raspberries that tasted amazing! we wandered and then headed back to the car. [i believe it was this romp through the woods that gave me freaking poison ivy]. once we got back to the apartment, it was time to travel again. [are we keeping tabs yet? 6 hrs this morning.] so we drove an hour and a half [yeah thats 7.5 hrs] to josh's brother and sister in law's house. the guys were having a bachelor party there this weekend. which meant that i got kicked out. so i drove another hour [8.5 hrs] to visit with one of my bridesmaids for the night. her hubby and our friend went down for the bachelor party, so we had a wonderful girl night. went to dinner, wandered around town, watched fireworks, got poured on! yay canada day! [actually the saying for the weekend became 'damn canada day' because everything was going wrong due to canada day. lol]. so we headed back to their apartment and passed out late. [and got a phone call at 2 am from her hubby and our friend telling us that they weren't coming home to sleep... they were staying up all night and heading back there in the am].

sunday: got up early. the boys came home. our friend fell asleep on the couch while i was talking to him [jerk :-P]. went to church. went to brunch with bridesmaid, her hubby, our friend, bridesmaid's dad, her hubby's dad and her hubby's sister. i took off from brunch and drove an hour down to meet up with the boys. [9.5 hrs]. hung out there for a bit as the guys played more video games [as if staying up till 5 am playing isn't enough]. then we headed back down to the apartment. stupid traffic caused us to explore and find new ways home, but it took us about 2.5 hrs. [12 hrs]. we hung out at the apartment. went to dinner at B.P. and then headed to niagara falls for fireworks. stupid idea. we sat in traffic for at least 45 mins in downtown niagara falls. finally found parking miles away from the falls. rode the people mover with lots of people and walked to a place we thought would be good to view the fireworks from. and... [dun-dun-dunnnnn] it started raining... again. [damn canada day!] we sucked it up, sat through the rain, watched the fireworks and walked back to the car because the people mover was crowded beyond belief. [g-seth! i was going to call you to come with us, but i didn't have your cell number in my phone. we need to work on that!] finally got back to the car, drenched and made up our way back to the apartment [let's estimate about 1.5 hrs in car.... so we're up to 13.5 hrs]. we relaxed and headed to bed.

monday: we were lazy! thank goodness! we lazed around the apartment until around 1 [i took a nap for the first time in months... it was awesome!]. then we headed out to the niagara parkway and went for a rollerblade. we discussed music for the wedding [we were meeting with the dj at 5:30 and didn't have much planned in that regard]. back to the apartment, the boys napped, josh and i took off at 5:15 to meet the dj. met with him. got most of the stuff squared away. went back to the apartment. made dinner, hung out. on the road at 9:30. got home at 3:30am. [that's right... 19.5 hrs in the car!]. passed out in bed.

tuesday: slept in. got up. j's best friends [the two loudest girls in the world, h and l] came over. hung out for a bit. washed j's car. everyone got wet from the hose. went inside. showered. relaxed. and people started coming over. ate a ton of food. didn't feel like doing much so we sat and watched the twilight zone. people left. t [my best friend] and i laid on the couch till 8:30. headed off to see fireworks with g and her best friend, tev. finally got to see fireworks without being rained on. they were awesome. i'll try to post a pic or two once i get them on my computer. headed home. passed out.

now... the 4 day weekend ends there.
especially because i worked yesterday... but my weekend was slightly extended because i left work early yesterday and went into nyc.
i bought my friend k tickets to go see the producers on broadway for his birthday. oh my goodness! it was so hilarious!!!! mel brooks is a genius. roger bart is hilarious [he played the gay guy in the new stepford wives]. oh my.

but now i'm freaking exhausted.

but my birthday is this weekend and josh has something planned for saturday with my family. no clue what it is. i'm so excited!!!

22 here i come.

30 June 2006


so i bored this morning and didn't want to actually do work....

so i decided i'd a picture post.

here we find me 'hard at work' on a friday morning....

and this is what i stare at everyday. [no wonder my eyes are glazed over by the time i get out by 5]

and this is me on a friday morning realizing that i am only working half a day today and i have a four day weekend!!

so there you have it.
you've seen me in my element at work.
thrilling, isn't it?

29 June 2006


within the next year there will be three new babies entering my life! [of course not my own]

- G and M are having another baby this summer [I believe July-ish]. This will make A a big sister! :c)
- K and J are having a baby in August. This is their first and I'm so ecited for them.

annnnnddd... [just found this out last night]
- my cousins D and A are having their second child in February next year! G will be a big sister! I'm soooo excited for them!

Yay for babies! :c)


is it bad that i want the wedding to be either here or over with?

its not that i'm dreading getting married.
heck no. i'm sooo excited! [22 days!]

but i'm tired of planning.
i'm tired of stressing.

i'm just tired.

i would like the chaos to be over so that i can relax, be married and have lots of married people fun. that and i can go on my wonderful honeymoon. :c)


22 June 2006

josh and i


so my brother is graduating from high school tomorrow.
i'm super excited for him [especially because he's been having some issues with the principal lately - partially at the fault of my brother and partially at the fault of the principal].

it'll be great.
if the rain holds off, then my family, my aunt, josh and my mom's best friend will all be there watching him get his diploma [or the fake diploma you get... the real one comes in the mail when they make sure you can actually graduate].
if it doesn't hold off, then my family will watch him and my aunt and josh will be watching from overflow.
[we're hoping that it doesn't rain]

but it super weird!
my brother is graduating!
my little brother. the one who used to pick on me [still does]. the one i used to beat up [can't do that anymore... he's bigger].
my baby brother.
and he's going away to college next year.
what the heck is that all about???

when did i get old enough to have my little brother graduating and going away to school??
when did i get old enough to be getting married in 29 days???