glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

29 June 2006


within the next year there will be three new babies entering my life! [of course not my own]

- G and M are having another baby this summer [I believe July-ish]. This will make A a big sister! :c)
- K and J are having a baby in August. This is their first and I'm so ecited for them.

annnnnddd... [just found this out last night]
- my cousins D and A are having their second child in February next year! G will be a big sister! I'm soooo excited for them!

Yay for babies! :c)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Babies!!! That statement almost made me wet my pants!! I'm sure glad you aren't pregnant or I'd be a little worried!! I can't wait to spoil all of these babies in our friends lives...its going to be so much fun!! :c)