glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

22 March 2007

I don't get it

Hubby and I sat down last night and ended up watching the news... which consisted of various reports [until we shut it off] and seemed to be grouped into themes:
- Educators who abuse their position for sex. [Two of them]
- A family trying to create a media frenzy so they can re-enter Canada.
- A fire chief who passed away from colon cancer [which turned into a report about the long term hazards of being a fire fighter].
- Police who beat people. [Along with two videos]
And then we turned it off.

It sickened me.

Why are these the things that start the news at night? I understand the need to make people aware of what's going on with the world and what's wrong with the world... but seriously... pick some better topics. There are other things going on in the world that aren't going to depress me about living in this world before I head off to bed at night.

As for the family attempting to re-enter Canada. Their refuge status expired after 10 years so they headed to the States. They then got fake passports to try to enter Canada again and for some reason they're appalled that they would get put into an immigration detainee center. Let's think about this... false representation of who they are and they're confused about why? It doesn't stop there though. The 9 year old son [who was raised in Canada with a Canadian education] writes a poorly written letter in marker to the Prime Minister. And now guess what... Their lawyer says by creating a media frenzy, they'll be allowed back in. Man oh man... that's how I want to tell my grandchild how I got into the country of Canada.
Now I do understand that their life might have been hard or different in Iran [that's where they were originally from]. But still. Aren't there better ways to go around this than appealing to the media and the lowest factor of having your child write to the Prime Minister?

Oh. And about the police videos. I'm going to point out that I'm watching the news in Canada. So why are they showing two police beating videos from the States? There was no point made about it. Just "here's a video of a cop beating a woman on Chicago" and "here's a video of a cop pushing a kid off a skateboard in South Carolina". Think there might be back story that they conveniently forgot? The police enforce everything in our world and they risk their lives everyday doing it. But we're so quick to point the finger as soon as someone get a video or a photo of them doing something wrong... even if we forgot to listen to the police's story and why they did what they did. Ugh. People.

Here's to the news...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I like to stay informed, but the news is either depressing or infuriating. As for that family - they have the same problem in Norway (media frenzy and all that jazz), except the "refugees" just throw AWAY all their id papers. (The gov't can't send them back where they came from if they don't know where that is). Ack!