glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

24 May 2006

How sweet it is...

to be loved by Josh.

So I had my wonderful trip up to Canada this weekend. We had a wedding to go to, which, of course, coincided with Canada's Victoria Day weekend. So I took Monday off and enjoyed the weekend with Josh [and wedding planning].

But on Friday, I had to wait until around 7 to leave my house in Jersey to get up there. Well I didn't have to. I chose to. My brother's senior prom was on Friday and I didn't feel right not seeing him and his date off. [Sidenote: My brother decided to wear a white tux to prom. With a peach vest and peach tie because his date was wearing a peach dress. How come guys I went to high school with weren't that daring?] Anyway. So by the time I got up to St Catharines it was about... hm... 12:45. I wanted to go straight to bed. But Josh wouldn't let me. He had a surprise.

Now. Some of you know, most of you don't, that I love stars. One of my dreams is to dance under the stars. Like, slow dance in the middle of a field with music playing. Like in the movies.

Well Josh knows this.

And so I get into the apartment and he forces me into the bedroom because he needs to get something ready in the living room. So I wait... and he comes in and hands me a CD that is titled Dance Under the Stars with Me Vol. 1. So I giggle and get all excited. He takes my hand and leads me into the other room. And I stop.

He had taken a ton of glow in the dark stars. Put holes in some of them. He hung those ones from the ceiling and the fan. And then took the rest, put them all over the walls and the doors.

So he asked me to dance.

And we danced.

Check that off the list of things I want to do before I die.

Man. I love him.

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