glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

15 May 2006

boredom ensues

Here I am. At work.
This is one of the only sites that I can actually access because apparently GE doesn't want their employees messing around on the internet [or something like that]. So I figured I'd actually write something.

Wedding planning is going quite well. I can't believe its almost 2 months until the wedding. I'll be a married woman soon. What the heck? When did I get old enough to get married? Sometimes I feel like I'm a 18 year old who has suddenly woken up at the age of 21. Life has gone by so fast these past few years. I wish there was a way to make it slow down.
We ordered invitations this weekend. I have to get ahold of people and gather their addresses so they can get the invitiations. *sigh*
We're trying to figure out center pieces and favors. We found things we like, but the centerpieces we like are really expensive. But we might just have to settle because I've looked into doing them ourselves and they're more expensive to buy all the stuff and do it that way.
My girls dresses come in next month. That'll be wonderful because I'll have more of an idea of what the day is actually going to look like. Hopefully that will be enough time for all of the girls get them fitted. I'm only really worried about Michelle because she's in England. We'll figure that out when it comes.

This summer is crazy. I have stuff going on every weekend until the wedding, and pretty much every weekend afterwards. I have a wedding to go to this weekend in St. Kitts. Then the weekend after, Josh is down in Jersey along with my cousin and her three friends. Then the first three weekends in June are all shower weekends. June 3 - Buffalo, June 10 - Jersey, June 17 - London, ON. Yeah. Craziness. Then Joey's graduation from high school is the next weekend. Then we have 4th of July/Canada Day weekend. Then my birthday weekend. The next weekend we head up to St Kitts as a family to stay for the week before the wedding. Then I get MARRIED! After that, honeymoon for two weeks. Come back. A week in St Kitts in our apartment, then heading to Jersey for the second reception. Then camping either the next weekend or the one after that. And suddenly we're into the school year.


I don't think I've ever been so busy in my life.

I probably should go get some work done so I have something to show my boss on Wednesday when he's back.


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