glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

03 April 2006


So its been a long time since I've seen a thunderstorm. There's one going on outside right now. And its amazing.

I just took a moment to step back and just wonder at it all and life. I was standing on Josh's balcony [luckily the wind blows the rain away from the balcony]. I just stood there for about 20 minutes and just watched.

I watched the rain as it fell. Watched how it fell harder and softer sometimes. I watched how it looked like the water out of a hose does where it hits certain areas harder than others. I watched the lightening. I watched the clouds fly by with the crazy wind. There was a plastic bag that the wind caught that flew all the way up to above me... and I'm on the fourth floor. I watched Tom [the fix-it guy] chase a bag around and then run for cover when it started pouring again. I watched as the kids running from the high school across the street suddenly picked up speed because of the rain. I laughed at them because they were drenched. I watched the Oriental guy next door come out and take a picture of the clouds [I didn't find anything exciting about the clouds, but that goes to show you that he appreciates things I don't]. I watched cars fly by.

And I listened.

I listened to the thunder [still am]. I listened to the cars fly by in the rain [I love that sound]. I listened to the kids from the high school laughing and yelling at each other to hurry up to get inside. I listened to the wind as it blew me away.

And I smelled.

I smelled the rain. God that's an amazing smell.

I felt so calm about everything. I still do.
Man. I love thunderstorms.

I feel like everything is put into perspective now. Can't explain it. It just feels so.

[I hope the storm doesn't cool everything off too much... I want to go rollerblading tonight]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your post about the storm. That day Heather came over to do Math with me and had to walk home afterwards in it. I felt bad for her. I remember when we were younger and my mom would send us downstairs to go play on the slides when typhoons came along (Chinese version of thunderstorms!!!) It was so much fun. I love it when it rains, it is like God washing all the dirt away from this sometime ugly world due to all our worldly choices and sins.
Luv nita
P.S. Thanks for reminding me to slow down and step back and wonder at all of God's greatness and wonder at it all...