glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

18 February 2006


So last night, Ange, Gaurav, Bobby, Josh, Christina and I went out to the London Arms. Good times. Bobby decided that because martinis were half off to split the menu and drink half of it [though originally he wanted to drink the whole menu]. That proved to be highly amusing. Then Gaurav, Josh and I decided we were hungry and we'd order a combo that had wings, pizza and nachos. Little did we know we'd be eating piles of food. Yeah, we didn't finish it. It was still good though.

Through all the hilarity, we discovered that us English majors complain about our readings all the time, but when we get together all we do is talk about them. Sick and sad cycle if you ask me.

I don't think I stopped laughing the whole night. Between Ange's Jamaica [read: drunk] stories, Gaurav's tales, Bobby's drinking 6 martinis, Josh's random comments and Christina's confusion that we would be so psychotic... I think I might have almost died laughing.

We should do this more often.

Auto Show in Toronto today. I'm sure there will be pictures to enjoy when I get back :c).

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