glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

17 February 2006

Dinner Parties

So I've been thinking. Dinner parties used to be this great thing. People would love to go to them.

Why don't we have them anymore? I mean why are they a bad thing? I think the idea of getting dressed up, going to someone's house to eat with a bunch of friends and talking all night sounds great. They used to be a class marker, yes. So let's change that and make it a coolness marker. Only the cool kids go to dinner parties. Oh, you would like to make plans for Friday night? Well I'm sorry, I'll be attending a dinner party. I mean, how cool is that? Seriously. I'm serious folks.

I vote that we reinstate dinner parties into the daily life of the average person. Who's with me? I'll start one... sometime... when I find people who will come. Come on, free food. Free drinks. Conversation. I know my fellow English majors would love it... where else will we talk about all the stuff we read in class?

So, in conclusion. Dinner parties = cool. We need to start those again. Now. Go. Do it.

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