glimpses into the life of a 20-something jersey girl living in the great white north.

17 February 2006

Look what you made me do.

So Gaurav finally made me cave into the world of blogging.

I don't know what to put in this thing, so I'll just babble and do the whole intro to me schpiel. I'm Kari. I hail from the States [born in Washington, living in Jersey] but go to university in Canada. [Yeah, what the hell was I thinking? I hate cold.] But my adventure to Canada was worth it because I met my fiance and a lot of crazy Canadians that I like to call friends. My major is English Language and Literature... yeah... a big title that means I read and write lots. Don't ask me why I went to Canada to take English, I haven't figured it out but I always toss out the fact that I originally came here as a Business major.

I don't know what else to write. We'll just have some fun with this thing. Sound good to you?

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